Criminal Justice Advocates
Criminal Justice Advocates
Fox and Rob Rich are a New Orleans based couple who emerged in 2018 from 21-years of incarceration to become a prominent voice in the world of social justice. In 1997 Rob Rich, a first offender in Louisiana, was sentenced to 61-years as a result of overzealous prosecution. Not to be denied, after her release from prison in 2002, Fox Rich led a valiant charge to regain her husband’s freedom. In June 2018, Governor John Bel Edwards granted clemency to Rob, and 90 days later he was released.Top of Form
As the executive producers and hosts of A Conversation with FoxandRob, a weekly commentary on YouTube, and the founders of Rich Family Ministries, Fox and Rob have committed their lives and their resources to not only bringing greater awareness, but also providing sustainable solutions to families suffering from the hardships associated with crime and punishment.
Fox Rich, born Sibil Fox, is a graduate of Grambling State University with a Bachelor of Science and Master of Public Administration degrees. The Richardson family matriarch is an Author, Motivational Speaker, and Social Entrepreneur using her voice to make a difference.
Rob Rich, born Robert Richardson, is a 2019 Graduate of The New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary with a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry. This Patriarch of the Richardson clan is a counselor, Social Mentor, and Life Skills Coach to notable players of the NFL.
FoxandRob Rich are the proud parents of six sons and are on a mission to change lives and laws through love.