Globally Recognized Futurist and Marketing Consultant
Globally Recognized Futurist and Marketing Consultant
Faith Popcorn is recognized globally as the original and foremost Futurist. She founded Faith Popcorn’s BrainReserve (FPBR), the futurist marketing consultancy, in 1974. The New York Times has called her “The Trend Oracle," and she was named “The Nostradamus of Marketing” by Fortune Magazine. She has identified such sweeping societal movements as “Cocooning,“ “SOS,” “AtmosFear,“ “Anchoring,“ “99 Lives" and “Vigilante Consumer."
As the key strategist for Faith Popcorn’s BrainReserve, Faith and her esteemed team apply their insights to cultural and business Trend Truths, opening the vision of FPBR clients, repositioning their brands/companies, developing new models, and innovating for sustainable growth. She is a trusted advisor to the CEOs of The Fortune 200 including such companies as American Express, Apple, Campbell's Soup, Citigroup, Chipotle, Colgate, Comcast, Constellation Brands, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, Kellogg’s, KFC, Mars, Pfizer, SC Johnson, Tylenol, Unilever, and The USPS.
With a documented 95% accuracy rate, Faith predicted the demand for fresh foods, home delivery, telemedicine, enhanced entertainment, and homeschooling, as well as capturing the spiritual tenor of the millennium with Cocooning and its impact on the COVID culture. Additionally, she predicted the rise of Social Media, The Metaverse, and has a significant following on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
She has been invited to speak all over the planet on subjects such as The Future of Masculinity, Child-Free by Choice, Five Future Forces, EVEolution: The Rise of Females & Gender Fluidity, and The “Fake” Food Explosion. Among her engagements: Cannes Lions, SXSW,
WSJ: The Future of Everything, The Beverage Forum, ANA (The Association of National Advertisers), Advertising Women of New York, CECP (Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose), NYU, Fordham University, and Dubai’s Arab Innovation Summit.
She is a best-selling author of four books: The Popcorn Report, Clicking, EVEolution, Dictionary of the Future, and the upcoming, Popcorn Report 2030: A Leap of Faith.
Heralded for her extraordinary ability to forecast emerging consumer patterns, Faith is frequently interviewed and cited in the media by The New York Times, Time, Newsweek, Fortune, Fast Company, The Today Show, Face the Nation, and CNN as well as all the Social Channels.
She has recently launched a podcast entitled Jolty, co-created SPACED, a 7 Episode series being considered by HBO, and recorded an album about The Future.
Faith was raised in Shanghai, China, is a sixth-generation New Yorker from the now chic East Village, and a graduate of New York’s High School of Performing Arts and New York University. She is a single mother of two daughters, Georgica, 23 & Clara-Cecil, 17 (both adopted from China), and two Japanese Chins, MochiKo and Rei-Rei Kawakubo, all residing in Manhattan and Wainscott, New York.
Nobody has been more accurate about how to profit from the future than world-renowned futurist Faith Popcorn. In this conversation, she will share with audiences what we'll buy, where we'll work, and what we'll think in the next decade. For the corporate manager and the owner of a "kitchen table" business alike, Faith offers hundreds of ideas for new products to create, new businesses to start, and new markets to capture.
Audiences will walk away with insight into the market waves that are beginning to dominate their personal and professional lives. Faith also reveals how to chart the future's impact on your business, how to capitalize on the newest trends, and the ways in which emerging marketing techniques will revive the dying retail market. She also describes what impact these changes will have on your habits at work, at home, and at play.
Faith provides every businessperson a chance to get the word on the future - now.