Representing the best in film.
Motion Pictures

CAA represents the world's premier actors, directors, writers, and producers. We also provide a range of motion picture consulting services, and we are the leader in film packaging and brokering financing distribution deals.
CAA clients include many of the most successful actors and actresses currently working in film and television. Their performances garner awards, drive box-office success, and lead cultural conversations.
CAA represents the writers, directors, and producers of the world's biggest hits and critical successes that define the pop culture landscape.
CAA represents the motion picture rights of many of the most compelling and successful fiction and nonfiction works published each year, along with blogs and podcasts. The group also works with journalists, internationally renowned authors, and estates.
With more than 12 years of in-market experience, CAA has been at the center of every major Chinese coproduction for the past decade and has packaged, sold or raised financing for more than 75 Chinese-language films. In addition, we have directed more than $550 million in Chinese capital into English-language content.