Magician & Entrepreneur
This is by far Vinh's most popular talk, in which he performs and speaks about the five different areas of magic, and then links this seamlessly to psychology. When the audience can see the psychological deception taking place in magic, they will be able to immediately see the deception we create within our own business and personal lives. This keynote will dispel negative beliefs and empower your audience to believe that anything in life is possible.
Magic is an art that is created to demonstrate the impossible. The beautiful thing about this is that the very nature of magic shows us that things that are seemingly impossible can be made to happen. Vinh highlights this concept by first accomplishing an immensely impressive feat, and follows this by walking the audience through how this seemingly impossible feat was actually achieved. Through several powerful exercises, Vinh is able to break down the barriers that we have in our minds, which hold us back from accomplishing truly amazing things. As cliché as it may come across to begin with, the undeniable fact that Vinh demonstrates right before our very eyes proves that anything is indeed possible. Definitely a key finishing statement to the audience that leaves them on an extremely high note.
With this topic, Vinh presents the audience with several magic performances, and invites them to offer their solutions as to how they were done. In going through this process, the audience learns quickly that perspective is the key to solving any problem. After all, magic is just a problem that the general public do not have the solution to. While it may appear complicated, remember that magic tricks are problems specifically designed to never be solved. Now if you can get even a small insight into how to solve magic tricks, imagine the clarity you will take into the other problems in your business and personal lives. Magicians are great problem solvers: it's a skill they inherit as a result of learning such a secretive art.